Monday, June 22, 2015

Ebay Sales 6/14 - 6/20

Total items in Store: 320
Total sales:$135.97
Number of sales:6
Cost of items sold:$19.00
Highest price sold:$54.99 Lego set. This included free shipping which cost me about $8
Returns: 0
GPS sales:0

So sales were slow last week.  Highest priced item was a Star Wars NIB Lego set. At the end of last year when I was still running the day care I received a gift card for $250 for a fancy online school supply store. After the first of the year I purchased several Lego sets that were on clearance. This was the last set. I did give one to my son as a gift. So all those sets were 100% pure profit. I shouldn't be complaining too much. Every time I have a slow week it's still the same money or more than I would have if I still had just one kid in the daycare with a lot less stress and time. 

So a big thing that is happening in my area is an Aldi grocery store is coming. And they are hiring store associates $12/perhr. Most jobs in this area are minimum wage ( $7.25 per hour) so this is a big deal. When I was working as a call center supervisor I was only making $10.50 per hour and that job required a Bachelor's degree. So it will be interesting to see if other employers in the area will follow suit. Especially since the town was recently named poorest city in Maryland here's the local papers take on it. And it's almost tempting to apply but then I would have to put my child back in school and find before and after school care. So not quite worth it to me.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Ebay Sales Week of 6/7-6/13

This week was a good week. The biggest sale I has was old homeschool curriculum from a few years ago I still had laying around the house.
Total items in Store: 305
Total sales:$350.91
Number of sales:10
Cost of items sold:$12
Highest price sold:$225.00 Homeschool curriculum
Returns: 0
GPS sales:0

My husband and I are frugal and don't go on dates very oftens. This weekend kicked off a free summer series of concerts in our town. So for our date night along with our son we took our camp chairs a few beers and spent the evening enjoying some awesome music for free. Good times.

Monday, June 8, 2015

My eBay Sales week of May 31st - June 6th

Number of items in store: 310
Number of items sold: 13
Total Sales: $248.38
Cost of items Sold:$24.00
Highest Price Sold $80.00 used homeschool curriculum syllabus.
Returns 0

I finally broke the 300 item mark in my store. I sold two books from my son's' old homeschool curriculum books. I was really hoping that syllabus would have sold for more. But I sold it at auction and only got one bid even with about 10 watchers on it. I did start the bidding at the least amount I would take so no big loss. I have another set of curriculum books I will be putting up for sale soon as well which should be another nice sell.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

How I save Money at CVS

So I know a lot of people don't like to use coupons or shop at 2 or 3 different stores.  I don't mind and it saves me money. Does it take more time probably but I wouldn't say a lot of extra time. I don't buy Sunday papers very often anymore for my coupons  I print out from the internet the coupons I want and will use.  So today I went shopping at CVS for some non food items. I only really needed a few of the items today.However these items were on sale today and these items won't go bad and I will eventually need these items. I broke up my items into 2 transactions to maximise my savings. See the break down below.

Transaction #1
 Nivea men's body wash (x 2) $5.99 each = $11.98 - $3 Coupon + MD Sales Total $9.70
Plus I recieve $5 CVS Extra Care Bucks to use on the next transaction.

Transaction #2 Buy $30 worth of certain items recieve $10 CVS Gift Card
2- 4 packs of Gatorade $5 (  We our bringing snacks for my sons baseball team next week, I don't usually buy these type of items.)
2 packs of Quaker Oats granola bars $5
1- bottle of Dawn $.99
1- package of Charmin Toilet paper $9.99
1 Tube of Colgate Tooth paste $3 - $2 in store Coupon $.99
1- Box of Hefty Trash Bags $10.49
Sub Total $32.46
- $.75 Coupon for the Charmin and -$5 CVS Extra Care Bucks Brought my total down to $26.72
After I paid taxes total came to $28.49. For a Grand total spent today $38.19
Plus I got a $10 CVS Gift Card for our next trip.
So this is how I usually shop at CVS and they have items on sale every week that you can earn Extra Care Bucks and I just keep rolling them over from one week to the next. Stocking up buying what's on sale not what I need. Then when I do need it it's there in my closet of goodies.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Ebay Sales Week of May 24-30

So this week wasn't as good as the prior week. However I'm still happy with what I did make. 
  • Total Items in Store 303
  • Total Items Sold 12
  • Total Sales $163.88
  • Cost of Items Sold $15.34