So I know a lot of people don't like to use coupons or shop at 2 or 3 different stores. I don't mind and it saves me money. Does it take more time probably but I wouldn't say a lot of extra time. I don't buy Sunday papers very often anymore for my coupons I print out from the internet the coupons I want and will use. So today I went shopping at CVS for some non food items. I only really needed a few of the items today.However these items were on sale today and these items won't go bad and I will eventually need these items. I broke up my items into 2 transactions to maximise my savings. See the break down below.
Transaction #1
Nivea men's body wash (x 2) $5.99 each = $11.98 - $3 Coupon + MD Sales Total $9.70
Plus I recieve $5 CVS Extra Care Bucks to use on the next transaction.
Transaction #2 Buy $30 worth of certain items recieve $10 CVS Gift Card
2- 4 packs of Gatorade $5 ( We our bringing snacks for my sons baseball team next week, I don't usually buy these type of items.)
2 packs of Quaker Oats granola bars $5
1- bottle of Dawn $.99
1- package of Charmin Toilet paper $9.99
1 Tube of Colgate Tooth paste $3 - $2 in store Coupon $.99
1- Box of Hefty Trash Bags $10.49
Sub Total $32.46
- $.75 Coupon for the Charmin and -$5 CVS Extra Care Bucks Brought my total down to $26.72
After I paid taxes total came to $28.49. For a Grand total spent today $38.19
Plus I got a $10 CVS Gift Card for our next trip.
So this is how I usually shop at CVS and they have items on sale every week that you can earn Extra Care Bucks and I just keep rolling them over from one week to the next. Stocking up buying what's on sale not what I need. Then when I do need it it's there in my closet of goodies.
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